Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I'm just sittin' here watching the wheels go 'round and 'round...

Well, July was pretty action-packed--with work. (Cue wah-wah-wah loser music from the Price Is Right.) Jason's been getting ready to finish up some projects at Ye Olde Dayjobbe and Jim's work calendar has ramped up as usual.

Luckily the boys got a chance to go canoeing along the Russian River last month. It was fun (they'd been canoeing with their gang before) until they capsized and had a poopy fight on the river. Luckily they stayed at this resort with plenty of cats. My spies kept an eye on them and made sure they made up over some beers and burgers back in Guerneville.

Other than that, they've been having low-key weekends, meeting with friends when they can, having a drink at Jalopy's down the street. I'm interested to see if August gets any more exciting...

It probably won't.

I got some new food--tender morsels. That's the highlight of my month!